Applying Modern Technology to Achieve Market LeadershiP
PT Polytama Propindo was established in 1993 as a significant manufacturer of polypropylene resin (PP resin) in Indonesia. Polytama is one of the leading and growing petrochemical companies providing PP resin in Indonesia under the Masplene® brand name. In 2017, Polytama launched its newest product innovation, which is granule. The Polytama plant is located at Limbangan Village, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu, West Java. Polytama is a company in the polypropylene industry, which utilizes LyondellBasell technology, one of the best processing technologies in the world.
In July 1995, Polytama conducted its first production with an initial production capacity of 100,000 MT per year. The supply of high purity propylene gas as a raw material was obtained from the Pertamina Refinery RU-VI Balongan. In 1996, the plant capacity continuously has been grown to 180,000 MT per year.
In addition to the increase of propylene production capacity of Pertamina RU-VI Balongan, Polytama had also increased its capacity to 200,000 MT per year in 2004. Hence, the production capacity continued to increase in 2008 reaching 240,000 MT per year, and reached 260,000 MT per year in 2018.
In line with government policies regarding the development of the petrochemical industry, Polytama has begun its business development initiative with the continuing increase of the installed production capacity at the Balongan Plant to a maximum of 300,000 MT per year in 2020. Going forward, Polytama will further increase its production capacity to achieve 1 million MT per year within the next 5 to 10 year period.
In order to maintain its business sustainability, in 2015 Polytama built propylene-gas transfer facility at the Seaport of Cirebon, including land transportation system from port to the factory of Polytama at Balongan-Indramayu. This endeavour has supported Polytama’s efforts to increase customer confidence in the supply continuity of Masplene® products in the market.
Menjadi pemimpin produser polipropilena di Indonesia yang tangguh dan dinamis, yang berorientasi kepada kepuasan pelanggan dan pemangku kepentingan.
Misi |
Misi |
- Menjadi pemimpin pasar produk polipropilena di Indonesia.
- Memanfaatkan kapasitas saat ini hingga tingkat optimal untuk barang produksi bernilai lebih baik atau lebih tinggi.
- Mendorong efisiensi dan tepat guna dalam proses, SDM dan biaya.
- Modernisasi proses, teknologi, mesin, dan fasilitas yang berkesinambungan di seluruh aspek operasi perusahaan.
- Mengembangkan teknologi yang dimiliki dalam manufaktur polimer terutama untuk proses, resep dan penyesuaian produk sesuai kebutuhan pasar.
- Melaksanakan sistem multi-sumber terutama untuk bahan baku utama demi meningkatkan keandalan perusahaan.
- Membangun sistem sumber daya manusia yang berkelanjutan untuk menjamin kelangsungan perusahaan di masa mendatang dan kesejahteraan para karyawan.
- Mengadopsi sistem manajemen integrasi di atas standar ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – ISO 22000 – ISO 45001.
Nilai-Nilai Utama |
Nilai-Nilai Utama |
Nilai-nilai utama kami terdiri dari:
- Amanah
- Kompeten
- Harmonis
- Loyal
- Adaptif
- Kolaboratif
Disingkat menjadi
Penghargaan & Sertifikat
Adopting GCG and Conducting CSR as Part of Sustainable Growth
Polytama is committed to implementing GCG principles to ensure that the Company has a strong competitiveness and a sustainable growth outlook. Corporate governance is conducted, among other means, by maximizing Company value through improving the principles of transparency, accountability, trustworthiness, responsibility, and fairness.
Polytama continues to strive towards managing the Company in a professional, transparent, and efficient manner, empowering the various functions and increasing independence of the Company organs, all of which are based on high moral principles and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
In terms of production, Polytama has applied a multisource procurement policy to control cost efficiency and obtaining high quality goods. In addition, we also place a total quality management program, adopting international quality standards, so that governance in terms of production will be more measurable and accountable.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of Polytama’s commitment to business sustainability, environmental balance, and community empowerment, which has a positive impact on the stakeholders.
Polytama’s CSR activities focus on efforts to empower the economies of surrounding communities, to promote reforestation and environmental preservation, to mount responses to natural disasters, and to address health, religion, sociocultural, youth and sports, as well as nationalism and patriotism issues.
Boogie Car dan Tas Multifungsi untuk Masjid Istiqlal
- Juni 24, 2020
Polytama menyumbangkan boogie car untuk memudahkan mobilitas di dalam lingkungan masjid Istiqlal. Selain itu, Polytama juga menyumbangkan tas ramah lingkungan yang terbuat dari bahan spunbond, yang dapat digunakan para Jemaah untuk menyimpan peralatan ibadah pribadi mereka.
Ribuan Paket Suplemen bagi Tenaga Medis
- Mei 20, 2020
PT Polytama Propindo membagikan ribuan paket suplemen bagi para tenaga medis yang berada di garis depan dalam perang melawan wabah Covid-19, di Jakarta, Indramayu dan Pulau Galang. Dengan adanya bantuan ini diharapkan para tenaga medis dapat memiliki stamina yang kuat saat menangani pasien yang terpapar Covid-19.
Body Bag dan APD untuk BNPB
- April 9, 2020
Sebagai bukti nyata dukungan Polytama kepada pemerintah dalam menangani pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia, PT Polytama Propindo menyerahkan bantuan ribuan body bag dan APD ke Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 di kantor BNPB Crisis Center Jakarta, tanggal 9 April 2020.