In the context of the National Waste Awareness Day which is commemorated on February 21, it becomes an important momentum to build awareness about the importance of managing the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in waste management, as it is known that waste has become a global issue.
The opportunity to commemorate the National Waste Awareness Day at West Java Province in 2022 with a theme “Kelola Sampah, Kurangi Emisi dan Bangun PROKLIM” (Manage Waste, Reduce Emission and Build PROKLIM (Program Kampung Iklim) is interpreted as a strategic step by the government in bringing global issues of climate change to ground into joint action in an effort to reduce gas emission through waste. In realizing a clean waste Indonesia in 2022, this activity was held in 8 March 2022, taking place in (“Hybryd”) way, either from the head office, the regions, as well as live streaming through Youtube.
Also present at the event, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Prima Mayaningtyas, M.Si Polytama as Head of the West Java Provincial Environmental and Mr. Taufiq Budi Santoso as Regional Assistant (Asisten Daerah) for Economic Affairs and Regional Secretariat Development (Sekretariat Daerah) of West Java.
Through this event, Polytama had the opportunity to be involved and a Polytama representative, Mr. Dwinanto Kurniawan as Corporate Secretary General Manager of Polytama, became one of the speakers from the business world with the plastic or producer industry segment as well as getting appreciation as a company that cares about the environment by contributing to channeling Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the people in supporting the achievement of Regional Policy and Strategy Targets (Jakstrada) of West Java Province in 2025.
We hope, with this event would able to increase the spirit of cooperation from all levels of society and mutual awareness in solving waste problems.