Indramayu, July 25, 2024 – In the month of Polytama’s birthday, Polytama received a special visit from the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) Mr. Simon Aloysius Mantiri and his delegation at the Polytama Plant Site, Balongan, Indramayu. This visit was carried out in the context of a review of Polytama’s business development or expansion known as the ‘Polypropylene Plant Balongan’ or PPB, which targets to increase polypropylene production capacity by 300,000 tons per year, which will make Polytama one of the largest polypropylene producers in Indonesia with a total production capacity of 600,000 tons per year.
During the visit, Mr. Simon Mantiri was accompanied by Mr. Taufik Aditiyawarman, President Director of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), members of the Pertamina Board of Commissioners, the Pertamina Investment Monitoring and Risk Management Committee, representatives from Pertamina RU-VI Balongan, and PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (TubanPetro).
This visit also marked Mr. Simon A. Mantiri’s first trip to Polytama’s plant site. During this inaugural visit, he expressed his full support for the success of Polytama’s expansion project. ‘We, from the Pertamina Board of Commissioners, support efforts to increase production capacity. We back the work of our nation’s talented individuals and support extraordinary initiatives aimed at enhancing our nation’s self-reliance. Our goal is to add value to products so they benefit both the nation and the environment,’ he stated.
Pertamina also advised Polytama, which has been in the petrochemical industry for 29 years, to maintain its performance and focus on business development through innovation and adaptation to market demands. On this occasion, Polytama expressed its appreciation to Pertamina, PT KPI, and TubanPetro for their support of the PPB project, both in terms of financial assistance and strategic guidance. ‘We hope that the synergy within the Pertamina Group can be sustained and even strengthened in the future to achieve our common goals,’ said Polytama President Director Mr. Joko Pranoto