Polytama welcomed a visit from PT Pupuk Kujang. Represented by Ade Cahya Kurniawan as Corporate Secretary and the Social and Environmental Responsibility Team, PT Pupuk Kujang conducted a comparative study visit to Polytama’s Plant Site and the areas covered by Polytama’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs in Indramayu.
The comparative study visit also serves as a forum for exchanging information and maintaining good relations between companies involved in the petrochemical industry. The agenda of the visit began with the presentation of Polytama’s profile, followed by an in-depth explanation of the social and environmental innovations implemented by Polytama. These innovations led to Polytama winning the highest rank for four consecutive years in the country’s most prestigious environmental award event, known as the Program Penilaian Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan’ or PROPER Gold rating given by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK RI)
The comparative study continued with a visit to Polytama’s various community empowerment programs to share information about PROPER initiatives. These programs cover aspects of Natural Resources (SDA), including the Development of Pindang Lombang (Bang Pilo), Biodiversity Park (Taman KEHATI), and Green, Healthy, and Clean Schools (SEHATI).
This comparative study shows the synergy between Polytama and PT Pupuk Kujang creating a positive impact on the surrounding community and environment..It also serves as clear evidence that synergy between companies in the petrochemical industry is not only about business development but also about sharing sustainability values that encourage social and environmental innovation