Indramayu, November 28 2024 – The SEHATI program educates and encourages school communities to actively participate in waste management within their school environments, aiming to foster a culture of environmental awareness. The program specifically focuses on instilling knowledge and habits of environmental care among elementary school students from an early age.
Today, five years since its inception, the SEHATI program held the 2024 “SEHATI Quiz and Appreciation Event.” Hosted at Wiralodra University in Indramayu Regency, this event was a collaboration between Polytama, the Education and Culture Office of Indramayu Regency, and the Faculty of Agriculture at Wiralodra University. The quiz involved dozens of students from six Polytama-assisted elementary schools, testing their knowledge and understanding of SEHATI extracurricular materials and their practical application.
To judge the quiz session, Polytama invited Dr. H. Ujang Suratno, S.H., M.Si., Rector of Wiralodra University; Untung Aryanto, S.Pd., SD, Head of Elementary School Development at the Education and Culture Office of Indramayu; and M. Andri Nugroho, Polytama’s GA & Community Development Manager.
As additional recognition, Polytama awarded educational scholarships to the top-performing student from each assisted school to support their future potential. The event was made even more lively with competitions for the best team slogans and the most spirited school.
Polytama also encouraged participating schools to innovate and showcase creativity in waste management. These innovations were displayed during the event, with Polytama presenting awards for the best creations. Projects ranged from crafts made from used bottle caps and paintings crafted from plastic fragments to unique plant pots made from recycled water gallons, designed to provide sufficient water without requiring frequent watering. Each school eagerly presented their creations to the judges.
“Through this event, we hope the values of SEHATI will continue to resonate with the younger generation, fostering collective awareness of the importance of environmental preservation and cultivating a clean and healthy lifestyle,” said M. Andri Nugroho, Polytama’s GA & Community Development Manager. He also expressed his pride and appreciation for the enthusiasm shown by the students, which contributed to the smooth execution of the event.