Taking place in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi in 7 – 9 February 2022, sequence full agendas for the 2022 National Press Day went successful.
As a form of the Company’s suport to maintain a synergetic relationship with media partners, Polytama participated in a series of HPN (National Press Day) activities as well as accompanying and delivering the Regent of Indramayu Mrs. Hj Nina Agustina, S.H., M.H, C.R.A. who received a Cultural Award accompanied by a Polytama representative attended by the President Director Mr. Didik Susilo and GM Corporate Secretary Mr. Dwinanto Kurniawan. HPN Momentum is an event where Polytama and media partners are commited to strengthening synergies in the future in presenting information to the public.
According to media partners on the HPN occasion, Polytama’s consistent presence in working on its (CSR) program in Indramayu can be a magnet to make changes in the ‘Kota Mangga’ (refering Indramayu as a city of Mango). The existence of a good synergy of course makes the flow of information to the public smoothly.
In addition, on this occasion, Polytama and Mrs. Indramayu Regent and their entourage received an invitation from the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi, which is located at the same place where the HPN Gala Dinner took place, and the last session on the event was the Awarding of Cultural Awards for the Regent of Indramayu, Mrs. Hajjah Nina Agustina, S.H., M.H., C.R.A. which was also witnessed online by the Presiden of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.