Adopting GCG and Conducting CSR as Part of Sustainable Growth

Polytama is committed to implementing GCG principles to ensure that the Company has a strong competitiveness and a sustainable growth outlook. Corporate governance is conducted, among other means, by maximizing Company value through improving the principles of transparency, accountability, trustworthiness, responsibility, and fairness.
Polytama continues to strive towards managing the Company in a professional, transparent, and efficient manner, empowering the various functions and increasing independence of the Company organs, all of which are based on high moral principles and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
In terms of production, Polytama has applied a multisource procurement policy to control cost efficiency and obtaining high quality goods. In addition, we also place a total quality management program, adopting international quality standards, so that governance in terms of production will be more measurable and accountable.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of Polytama’s commitment to business sustainability, environmental balance, and community empowerment, which has a positive impact on the stakeholders.
Polytama’s CSR activities focus on efforts to empower the economies of surrounding communities, to promote reforestation and environmental preservation, to mount responses to natural disasters, and to address health, religion, sociocultural, youth and sports, as well as nationalism and patriotism issues.

Taman Kehati Indramayu
Eucalyptus Forest in Indramayu that was revitalized so that it has the function of education, recreation, and development of flora & fauna. It also holds a sanctuary for the endangered Javan deer.

Ekoriparian Tjimanoek
A CSR program with the idea of restoring the main function of Tjimanoek River and make the area an eco-based educational tourist attraction