“Polytama Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2022 Goes Smoothly”

Jakarta, April 21, 2022 Polytama has held its 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in Jakarta. This agenda was held at the Polytama Jakarta Headquarters, masplene room 20th floor of MidPlaza Building, Attended by Notaries, Shareholders from PT. Tuban Petrochemical Industries. The AGMS carried out several series of agendas, one of which was related […]


“Polytama Supports the Commemoration of 2022 National Waste Awareness Day”

In the context of the National Waste Awareness Day which is commemorated on February 21, it becomes an important momentum to build awareness about the importance of managing the 3R principles (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) in waste management, as it is known that waste has become a global issue. The opportunity to commemorate the National […]


“Polytama Issues Limited Medium Term Notes I”

PT Polytama Propindo issued a limited Medium Term Notes I for 2022 worth of Rp. 220,500,000,000. This fund will be used for additional working capital to finance polypropylene production activities, Financing the procurement of propylene thanks in order to increase business capacity. Credit Gurantee & Investment Facility (CGIF) acts as guarantor for all installments of […]


“Gold Proper Award For the Year 2020 – 2021”

On Second year, PT Polytama Propindo (Polytama) return with achieved a prestigious and highest national award in Environmental Management and Social Care for People Empowerement held by the Ministry of Environment & Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia at PROPER (Company Performance Rating program in Environmental Management) event with GOLD predicate. The success of Polytama […]


“Polytama Achieved an Award in SNI Award 2021”

The 16th National Qualty Award of Indonesia in Thursday, held again and a number of organizations or business actors were rated to have implemented (SNI Award) accordingly with the criteria. An Honor and pride was shown by Polytama through the acquisition of an award at the end of the year in the form of an […]
