Coincide with the 76th Indonesian Independence Day, the Timorensis Deer captivity was officially and directly launched at KEHATI (Keanekaragaman Hayati) Park by Regent of Indramayu, Hj. Nina Agustina Da’l Bachtiar, S.H., M.H., C.R.A. and President Director of PT Polytama Propindo, Mr. Didik Susilo through the ribbon cutting and the inscription signed by the Regent of Indramayu.
On that opportunity, a Research Professor. Dr. Ir. Hendra Gunawan, M.SI as a researcher at the Center for Forest Research and Development (PUSLITBANGHUT) Bogor was also present for the launch of the Biodiversity Park book, which was one of the event agenda.
Two years since its launch in 2019, KEHATI Park which is the result from revitalization of Eucalyptus Forest that managed and as one of Polytama’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs continues to be developed so that today KEHATI Park has 25 species with 714 tree trunks and is dominated by eucalyptus for 59.66% and as many as 9 rare species of Timorensis deer.
The guests also took a mini tour to see the progress that had been made at the Indramayu KEHATI Park with Regent of Indramayu and guests who attended as a form of Polytama’s commitment to keep on environmental conservation and making KEHATI Park as the lungs and landmark of Indramayu City.
Salam Polytama!