COVID-19 Prevention Management Program (Mang Covid) initiated by PT Polytama Propindo officially launched at the event which took place at the Indramayu Manpower Office yard. The Inauguration ceremony was also attended by the Board of Directors of “Polytama” Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Industry and the Regional Government of Indramayu Regency. Mrs. Ida Fauziyah as the Minister of Manpower (MENAKER) also gave her appreciation and support for Mang Covid and even wanted Mang Covid to be a role as model on national scale in preventing COVID-19 and empowering the community, especially affected workers.
‘Mang Covid’ is a CSR program pioneered by “Polytama” in the movement against COVID-19 in Indonesia. The activities provided are in the form of training, spraying, and entrepreneurship of airborne disinfectant that much more effective to prevent spreading virus through airborne, especially COVID-19. With this Mang Covid, all those affected for layoffs, MSME’s and disabilities affected by COVID-19 have been trained through Indramayu Manpower BLK for the manufacture of disinfectants. Currently, the first stage of Mang Covid training participants have been employed at “Polytama” and earn an income according to Minimum wage. Hope this Mang Covid be able to keep on to develop as an innovate solution in dealing with the pandemic and can be used as a role model by other companies.
Mang Covid is coming, we are healthy, the economy is strong, COVID-19 is gone!
Salam “Polytama”,