In line with company’s commitment to contribute to the environmental aspect, “Polytama’s” showed its sincerity by participating in the 2020 Corporate Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) in a judging session with the (PROPER) Advisory Council of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK RI) where “Polytama’s” was chosen as one of the gold candidates with the theme “Fully Contribute for Preservation of the Country & “Polytama’s” is READY to fight COVID-19” (Kontribusi Sepenuh Hati untuk Pelestarian Negeri & “Polytama’s” SIAP Lawan Covid-19).
The judging went pretty well, and didn’t forget for “Polytama’s” to express their gratitude and thanks for the cooperation of all levels of “Polytama’s” fostered community and partners.