Indramayu – As a form of the Company’s care for the citizens affected by COVID-19 in indramayu, Polytama distributed basic food assistance in the form of 100 Boxes of Instant Noodles, 100kg of packs of sugar and 500 cans of sardines through a delivery made by Mr. Dwinanto Kurniawan as Corporate Secretary of GM Polytama and received directly by the Regional Assistant (ASDA) 2 Secretriat of Indramayu, H. Maman Kostaman.
The distribution of this aid is a form of Polytama’s support for residents affected by COVID-19 who are undergoing Self-Isolation (ISOMAN) and for the implementation of Restriction on Community Activities (PPKM) in Indramayu in order to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. The aid provided is prioritized for residents affected by COVID-19, the lower middle category, who are currently in need.
Hopefully the aid provided can help ease the burden of those who are currently undergoing Self-Isolation, and hopefully this pandemic will end soon, so people can return to their normal activities.