Jakarta – Thursday, December 29, 2022 – Two years have passed since Polytama first one in 2020 as the highest-rated Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) Award for Gold Predicate. Polytama showed its commitment to sustainability innovation by obtaining its third Gold PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia.
Located at the Indonesian Vice Presidential Palace, the awarding ceremony was also attended by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, the Minister of Environment & Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya, M.Sc and all other companies that also received the award. In line with the theme “Bersatu Hijaukan Bumi Kita untuk Masa Depan yang Lebih Cerah” Polytama strives to continue to be a pioneer in the application of innovations in environmental management that involves good cooperation and synergy with stakeholders in order to achieve maximum results.
Polytama as a leading polypropylene resin (pp) producer in Indonesia, fully supports and encourages environmental sustainability through its various CSR programs. Along with Polytama’s CSR vision to become a company with high social concern for society and the environment in an effort to support sustainable economic growth. Its sincerity is proven through the acquisition of the third PROPER Gold title in 2022, The superior program that brings Polytama in this acquisition by conducting various eco-innovation and social innovation programs.
In the social innovation program, namely Ecoriparian Tjimanoek Lama River program, Polytama built the Pentahelix system in the heart of Indramayu with river arrangements whose benefits can be felt by MSMEs and visitors from Indramayu Regency or outside the Indramayu area.
“ I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all stakeholders who have supported us, especially the Regent of Indramayu and the local government service, and certaintly all of our Employees For their smart work and solid team work “ said President Director of Polytama, Didik Susilo.
Polytama as a Part PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Group and a subsidiary of PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries realizes its sincerity in making the best contribution and collaborating with indramayu regional government regarding concern in environmental management combined with community economic empowerment.
“Through this year’s PROPER achievement, Polytama is back with a variety of environmental management innovations in the operational scope and in the area around the Polytama plant site area through its CSR programs that are integrated and keep on being developed. This is a challenge for us to continue to contribute to the maximum conservation of the environment every year ” , he said at the location.
PROPER, a program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, is expected to be the driving force for environmental control efforts, and the balance in economic and investment efforts with environmental balance for all business actors in Indonesia. Polytama became one of the 51 companies that obtained Gold PROPER from a total of 3200 participating companies.