In cooperate with Mayapada Hospital, “Polytama” held a webinar about prevention of Covid-19 called “Polytama WeCare Webinar: Fight COVID-19!” last week. With Dr. Anthony Jayaprana, MARS from Mayapada Hospital as a Host, this Webinar discusses tips that must be done to avoid getting COVID-19. This webinar also attended by the Board of Directors and Employees of “Polytama”, as well as colleagues from PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (TubanPetro). The Webinar begain with remarks by Mr Didik Susilo, followed by the main agenda of the webinar, namely the presentation related to COVID-19 by Dr. Anthony Jayaprana, MARS. After the presentation, event participants were also given the opportunity to ask questions via chat rooms and where then answered directly by the host.
Through this QnA session, participants were able to gather more detailed information related to COVID-19 circulating in the community, such as whether Eucalyptus Oil is effective in preventing COVID-19 to tips for employees who are in office buildings using central air conditioning.
Through this webinar, “Polytama” hopes that participants will have a better understanding COVID-19, know some tips that can be use to avoid getting it and can be wiser in sorting out information related to COVID-19 that circulating around.