Indramayu, 3 June 2024 – PT Polytama Propindo (Polytama) has carried out the procession of the ‘Assignment of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Manager Position’ to Mr. Afnaldi. The ceremony, which took place at Polytama Plant Site, was attended by management representatives, including Mr. Didik Susilo as President Director, Mr. Syawaludin Azwar as Operation Director, Mr. Bunyamin as Operation General Manager, and all Managers located at the Plant Site.

This position is effective as of 1 June 2024. Formerly, Mr. Afnaldi served as HSE Project Manager for the Polypropylene Plant Balongan (PPB). With more than 16 years of experience in the HSE field, Mr. Afnaldi is expected to continue the company’s achievements in the field of safety and develop existing potential to a higher level.
To all Polytama employees, please continue to provide support and cooperation to Mr. Afnaldi in carrying out his duties. Hopefully, the team solidarity that has been built so far will be maintained.