PT Polytama Propindo Achieves ISRA 2024 Award for Two CSR Programs

Polytama won the Platinum Award in the Economic Empowerment category with the Bang Pilo program and the Gold Award in the Education category with the SEHATI program at ISRA 2024. At the Indonesia Social Responsibility Awards (ISRA) 2024 event held at the Grand Mercure Hotel in Solo, Polytama received two awards. The Platinum Award for […]


Polytama Received CSR Wise Leaders Award 2023

Jakarta, August 24, 2023 – Polytama participated in “The Great Indonesian CSR Awards 2023,” organized by Wise Leaders with the theme “CSR Sebagai Bagian Peningkatan Kualitas dan Performa Perusahaan”. During the event, Polytama was honored with the Remarkable Outstanding Support on People’s Welfare award for its initiatives in Indramayu. This award recognizes Polytama’s commitment to […]


Polytama Received The Zero Accident Award for 2022 by The Ministry of Manpower of The Republic of Indonesia

Indramayu, August 22, 2023 – Polytama received the Zero Accident Award for 2022 during a collaborative event involving contractor management, Polytama management, and labor supervisor (Wasnaker) from UPTD Region III Cirebon.The Event theme “Polytama HSE Contractor Forum”. One of the key activities during the event was the Contractor Management Walk and Talk, where management representatives […]


Polytama Successfully Achieved Another Public Relations Indonesia Awards 2023

Bali – Polytama successfully achieved another Public Relations Indonesia Awards 2023 in the Community Based Development category for the Tjimanoek Lama Ecoriparian Program – Bronze Winner. This award recognizes outstanding public relations performance across various sectors, including corporations, ministries, institutions, and local governments. The judging process took place in Jakarta starting from February 13, 2023, […]


Polytama Received Awards At The SWA Best CEO Awards 2022

Polytama was honored as one of the 23 companies receiving awards at the “SWA Best CEO Awards 2022,” hosted by SWA Magazine.At the event, President Director Mr. Didik Susilo represented by Mr. Dwinanto Kurniawan as GM Corporate Secretary received the Best CEO Award for the category: Company with >1000 Employees. The awarding ceremony with the […]


“Polytama is Getting Stronger in Environmental Conservation Efforts by Achieving Gold PROPER Three Years in a Row from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry”

Jakarta – Thursday, December 29, 2022 – Two years have passed since Polytama first one in 2020 as the highest-rated Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) Award for Gold Predicate. Polytama showed its commitment to sustainability innovation by obtaining its third Gold PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic […]


“Polytama Wins Two Award In Marketing”

Jakarta, August 12, 2022 Polytama received awards in the field of marketing on two different occasions, namely at the “Indonesia Customer Experience Champion 2022” event held by SWA Magazine. Polytama was successfully named the “Best Customer Experience Team”, in addition to the “Marketing Award 2022” event where Polytama managed to get three predicates from the […]
