“Polytama Engaged Citizens to Stay Clean in ‘World Clean Up Day 2021”

Continue to educate citizens about the importance everyone cooperation for environmental cleanliness and waste management as coincide with World Cleanup Day Indramayu. Taking with theme “Clean up Acts and Waste Management from Home”, WCD 2021 Indramayu be held in one of Polytama’s CSR Program location that currently in early state of development, which is Cimanuk […]
“Polytama Achieved Two Awards on Indonesia HC Awards Event”

Considered to have carried out commitment to support Indonesia Economic Growth with technological development which supported through a quality manpower, Polytama achieved two awards on Indonesia Human Capital Awards 2021 event that was held by Economic Review. On the event ceremony that was held virtually, Polytama achieved “2nd The Best Indonesia Human Capital” with a […]
“Supporting Accelerating on Vaccination, Polytama Held a Vaccine Tour in KEHATI Park”

Continue to keep onwards on commitment to support government’s program to encourage the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination for students, Polytama collaborated with Bhayangkara Indramayu Hospital, Jutinyuat Health Center and Margadadi Health Center to Organize the event of Vaccine Tour in KEHATI Park that built by Polytama. The Vaccine Tour with a theme (“Let’s Get Healthy […]
“Polytama Achieved Two Award at Indonesia CSR AWARDS 2021”

Polytama’s commitment to continue to prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs, especially in this Pandemic Era, has yet again received appreciation. This time, the company won two awards at the 4th Indonesia (CSR) Award (ICSRA IV) 2021 organized by Economic Review. At the reward event which took place virtually, Polytama represented by Mr. Dwinanto Kurniawan […]
“RUPSLB (20 August 2021)”

Polytama successfuly held a Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPSLB) 2021 in Polytama’s Head Office. By taking fully consideration to implementation of (PPKM) in the midst of a pandemic, the meeting was done with the implementation of strict health protocols, ranging from restrictions on participants attending in person, rapid antigen examination for all participants, mandatory […]
“Inauguration of Timorensis Deer Captivity in Kehati Park”

Coincide with the 76th Indonesian Independence Day, the Timorensis Deer captivity was officially and directly launched at KEHATI (Keanekaragaman Hayati) Park by Regent of Indramayu, Hj. Nina Agustina Da’l Bachtiar, S.H., M.H., C.R.A. and President Director of PT Polytama Propindo, Mr. Didik Susilo through the ribbon cutting and the inscription signed by the Regent of […]
“Polytama Receives an Award for Managing COVID-19 in the Workplace from Minister of Manpower”

Polytama’s commitment in making a positve contribution to the environment, especially in the mids of COVID-19 pandemic, has yet again led the company to achievements and receive appreciation. On 22 April 2021, Polytama was selected to be the company to receive ‘COVID-19 Prevention and Control Program Award’ in the workplace with ‘PLATINUM’ category from the […]
“Polytama Distributes Aid in the Mid of PPKM”

Follow up from the event related to respond on disaster aftermath during PPKM period, Polytama distributed 300 food packages to several agencies in Indramayu, including: Police Official, Military District, and Indramayu’s District Attorney of Indramayu where the distribution basic needs is carried out while still adhering to health protocols such as wearing masks, keeping the […]
“Engage Customers and Company Partners to Continue the Spirit of Preventing COVID-19, Polytama Back with Giving MASPLENE® Cares”

Continuing to carry out its commitment in prioritizing safety and health aspects to all internal and external parties of the company, especially entering the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Polytama again conducted Masplene® Cares, which is a program for distributing healthy kits to the company’s customers and partners as a form of support and […]
“Polytama Received Award in Indonesia CSR Awards 2021”

Polytama back at it again with received another award in Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards 2021 Event that were held by Warta Ekonomi. Polytama became a company from Petrochemical sector to achieved ‘Best (CSR) Award with Outstanding Program in Local Community Basic Needs Support’. Polytama is considered to have contributed and took real action […]