Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry Visits Kehati Park and Tjimanoek Park Fostered by Polytama

Indramayu, 1 July 2022 – Vice Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (Wamen LHK) Alue Dohong paid a visit to “Taman Kehati” and “Taman Tjimanoek”. During the visit, a procession of laying the first stone at Tjimanoek was also carried out. The Vice Minister admitted that his visit to Indramayu was […]
“Polytama Signs The IX Coorperation Agreement”

Jakarta 21 June 2022 , Polytama Signed Collective Work (PKB) IX for the period 2022 – 2024. Located at the Head Office of Polytama , the signing session was also attended by the Board of Directors of Polytama as well as representatives of the Workers Union Team of the Polytama Employee Communication Forum (SP-FKKP) and […]
“DSS Phase II Kick-Off Meeting : Building Safety Culture And Strengthening PSM Implementation”

In line with Polytama’s vision of “To become a strong and dynamic leader of Polypropylene Producers in Indonesia, oriented to customer and stakeholder satisfaction” and the company’s values to cultivate a safe, healthy and safe work environment, Polytama is committed to improving work safety aspects from time to time. This was realized one of them […]
“Performs Polytama Integrated Management System (IMS) For Auditors and Non Auditors”

In order to improve competence as an Internal Auditor and provide a basic understanding of Management System Integration for Non Auditors, the Company through the ISO team organized an ‘Inhouse Training Refreshment Integrated Management System for Internal Auditors (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, SMK3 PP50/ 2012)’ and also ‘Training Awareness Integrated Management […]
“Halal Bi Halal Polytama Head Office Jakarta”

Polytama held Halal Bi Halal at the Head Office Jakarta on June 2, 2022, in the Masplene Meeting Room which was also attended by Mr. Didik Susilo as President Director, Mr. Herjanto Dwinugroho as Director of Marketing and Sales, Mr. Syawaludin Azwar as Director of Operations, Mr. Uray Azhari as Director Finance, and All Employees, […]
“Polytama Wins Work Safety Award From The Ministry Of KEMNAKER”

Jakarta, May 25, 2022, Polytama received the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) Award from the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah at the award ceremony which took place in Jakarta some time ago. This achievement is a form of acknowledgment that the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) standards at Polytama is […]
“Halal Bi Halal Polytama Plant Site”

Indramayu, 19 May 2022 – For the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, Polytama held a Halal Bi Halal Plant Site at Polytama which took place in the canteen area and was attended by all Polytama Management and all Employees who work at the Plant Site. The event was filled with remarks given by Mr. […]
“Indramayu Regent Visit Polytama Plant Site”

Indramayu, May 19, 2022. Still in a fitr atmosphere, Plant Site Polytama dibalongan, Indramayu Receives a Visit from the Regent of Indramayu, Mrs. HJ. Nina Agustina, SH, MH, CRA, from Forkopimda including the Deputy Chief of the Resort Police (Wakapolres), Military District Commander (Dandim), District Attorney (Kejari) and other agencies. The visit was warmly welcomed […]
“Submission Of ISO Certificate From British Standards Institution To PT Polytama Propindo”

Jakarta, May 18, 2022. In an effort to align with the company’s commitment to always seek the optimum standard by managing the Integrated Management system, Polytama has officially become a BSI certification body, including ISO 9001 for Quality Management System, ISO 14001 for Occupational Health Management System, ISO 22000 For Food Safety Management Systems and […]
“Polytama Shares For The Children Of The Country 2022”

Indramayu, April 26, 2022- PT Polytama Propindo holds a routine activity held every month of Ramadan, which is named “Polytama Sharing for the Children of the Country”. According to the theme, this activity is filled with social agendas. As in 2022, Polytama is again targeting dozens of orphans and poor people who live in three […]