Polytama successfully held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPST) for the financial year 2020 and the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPSLB) 2021 at the Head Office of Polytama. Taking highly consideration on current pandemic conditions, the meeting took place with the implementation of strict Covid-19 protocol, starting from restrictions on participants attending in […]


“Honorary Visit at Regent Office of Indramayu”

Indramayu – “Polytama” had the opportunity to hold an audience with the Indramayu Regency Government. Met directly at the Indramayu Hall, the President Director of “Polytama”, Mr. Didik Susilo and the management of “Polytama” were received directly by the Regent of Indramayu, Mrs. Hj. Nina Agustina Da’i Bachtiar, S.H., M.H., C.R.A. discussed the future Cooperation […]


“Polytama Support Istiqlal Mosque Facility to Easier People with Disabilities”

In the context of Holy month of Ramadhan, PT Polytama Propindo provided a number of assistive devices in the form of wheelchairs and folding chairs to he istiqlal mosque which aims to provide convenience for persons with disabilities and the elderly in performing prayers in a place called the national mosque icon of the Republic […]


“Polytama Achieved Two Community Social Responsibility (CSR) Rewards”

PT Polytama Propindo have won two awards at the same time related with Community Social Responsibility (CSR) program at the TOP CSR Awards 2021, in Jakarta. Two awards for this Polypropylene resin-producing petrochemical company, respectively “TOP (CSR) Award” #star 5 and “TOP Leader on Commitment (CSR)” were achieved by Mr. Didik Susilo as President Director […]


“Humanitarian Donation for Disasters Affected in Indramayu Area”

PT Polytama Propindo provides responses actions as an effort to make the best contribution to the flood-affected citizens in Indramayu area. The flood hit several areas in 2 sub-districts with 78,912 people affected due to high rainfall which resulted in the overflowing of the Cipunegara, Cilet and Cimanuk rivers because they were unable to withstand […]


“Polytama Achieved Two Achievements in Environmental Sector”

“Polytama’s” commitment to always make a positive contribution to environmental sustainability has again received appreciation and led “Polytama” to win two awards in a one-week period. On the same week, “Polytama” received an award as the Top 16 Best Companies at the “SWA Indonesia Green Concern Company 2020” event (26/11/20) and a Bronze Award for […]


‘Proper Gold Appraisement’ “For the Year 2020” “Road to Gold”

In line with company’s commitment to contribute to the environmental aspect, “Polytama’s” showed its sincerity by participating in the 2020 Corporate Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) in a judging session with the (PROPER) Advisory Council of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK RI) where “Polytama’s” was chosen […]


“Socialization of Work Protocols For Handling COVID-19”

In order to anticipate the company in carrying out work & operational activities in the midst of “New Normal”, Polytama conducted a socialization of the COVID-19 at company Head Office in Jakarta and Plant Site in indramayu. This protocol is used as a guide for Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disesae 2019 (COVID-19) in […]
