Polytama warmly welcomed the arrival of the KLHK RI Bicycle Tour Team in celebration of HPSN 2023

As a series of activities to celebrate Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional(HPSN) 2023, Polytama welcomed the bicycle marathon team at Tjimanoek Ecoriparian on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. The event titled “Jelajah Bersih Negeri” was attended by the Director General of PSLB3 KLHK RI Rosa Vivien Ratnawati and Indramayu Regent Hj. Nina Agustina, S.H., M.H., C.R.A.. The […]
“Polytama is Getting Stronger in Environmental Conservation Efforts by Achieving Gold PROPER Three Years in a Row from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry”

Jakarta – Thursday, December 29, 2022 – Two years have passed since Polytama first one in 2020 as the highest-rated Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) Award for Gold Predicate. Polytama showed its commitment to sustainability innovation by obtaining its third Gold PROPER from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic […]
“Supporting the Economic Growth of State Circulation, Polytama Presents at Plastic & Rubber Exhibition 2022”

Jakarta, November 16, 2022, Polytama participated in the international manufacturing exhibition “Plastic & Rubber Exhibition” which returned after a two-year vacuum due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking place at the international expo, Kemayoran from 16-19 November 2022, this exhibition was attended by 300 exhibitors from 32 countries and received more than 8000 visitors. The exhibition […]
“Polytama Celebrates 27th Anniversary”

Indramayu, October 27, 2022 The entire management and all Polytama workers gathered together to commemorate Polytama’s 27th Anniversary. Taking place in the canteen area of the Polytama Plant Site, this celebration marks the first time in two years since the Covid-19 pandemic Polytama’s Anniversary was commemorated offline. The celebration was enlivened by a series of […]
“Also Present at the G20 Exhibition, Polytama Attracts the Attention of Foreign Guests by Opening a booth and Cumin Tea Products Innovation CSR I-MASARO”

Bali, 29 August 2022 – Supporting climate sustainability as one of the goals of the G20 Forum, Polytama participated in the G20 Presidency Exhibition which is a series of agendas for the 3rd meeting of the Deputy Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (3rd G20 EDM-CSWG). Polytama opened a booth introducing cumin tea “Syahi & […]
“Polytama Wins Two Award In Marketing”

Jakarta, August 12, 2022 Polytama received awards in the field of marketing on two different occasions, namely at the “Indonesia Customer Experience Champion 2022” event held by SWA Magazine. Polytama was successfully named the “Best Customer Experience Team”, in addition to the “Marketing Award 2022” event where Polytama managed to get three predicates from the […]
“Polytama Establishes Partnership Cooperation Commitment Through Signing With Local Entrepreneurs Or MSMEs”

Bandung, August 12, 2022 – In order to encourage the partnership of actors foreign investment business as well as domestic investment with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the form of partnerships, including among others the supply of raw materials, supply chains, or other related services and the implementation of business activities. In line […]
“Polytama Wins a Series Of CSR Award At The AREA 2022 International & Economic Review Event”

Polytama has won an award in the Asia Responsible Enterprise event Award 2022 for the Social Empowerment category and an award from Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSRA) 2022 from the Economic Review for the category The Best SDG’s Program Implementation – 2022 “Sustainable Cities & Communities”. The award was received by Polytama for the innovations […]
“Polytama Successfully Holds Its First Roadshow, MASPLENE® Roadshow to Customer”

In order to maintain good relations with customers, in line with Polytama’s vision to become a strong and dynamic leader of polypropylene producer in Indonesia, oriented to customer and stakeholder satisfaction, Polytama successfully held the first “Masplene® Roadshow to Customer” which visited various cities, starting from Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Solo, Bandung and ending in Jakarta. […]
“Polytama Receives a Visit From The Pertamina Board Of Commissioners Committee Team”

Indramayu, July 6, 2022 – Polytama received an arrival from PT Pertamina (Persero) at the Plant Site. The visit which took place during the day was attended by the Investment Committee Team, the Audit Committee, and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee from PT Pertamina (Persero) including Mr. Rizal Bambang Prasetijo from the Investment Committee. The […]